Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dear Uncle Jaykesh: My boyfriend and i have been talking for almost 2 years and have been dating and living together for less than a year and  here I am 7 months pregnant and about getting married but all we do is argue. He constantly holds that over my head and picks on me all the time causing arguments. He will come home from work and argue with me because the house isn't spotless, or any other little reason he can come up with. I don't feel like he loves me anymore. When I try to turn him on he usually tells me he is too tired or he will tune all his attention to the TV and completely ignore me. I don't know where to go from here, we are both expecting our first child and I feel like he regrets getting me pregnant even though it was planned, I feel like he hates me and I am just at my wits end trying to figure out how to please him anymore. Confused Lady dar

Dear confused lady: I'm sorry you are in this situation. If he tries to make a fight out of it then tell him you don't want to fight but to talk. It might take some time to get him to calm down but it would be worth it. You might as well face up to his unwillingness to get married and his disappointment with the upcoming birth. Although you never know he may be very happy to be a father once the child is born. Perhaps you should mention that arguing is bad for the baby.

Dear Uncle Jaykesh: There’s this girl that really caught my eye at my job place, but there’s things that worries me and confuses me in if I should be feeling like this, she looks about my age 20 /23 maybe. She is pretty shy, she been working a lot longer at work and doesn’t talk too much. But we do talk well I’m asking advice in what I should do in getting closer, because I don’t want to get too close if its nothing & well I’m not what exactly to do…Richard Arusha

Dear Richard:  Don't try to do anything too fast. She is shy and might be scared off. Instead do subtle things like saying hi with her name and give her a big smile. Do this a few times a day and she will start to notice you more. Find out more about her like where she lives and tell her where you live. See if you have any common interests and if you do ask her out once you know her better. Compliment her hair or dress and see if she likes it. If she does, do it more. Use your imaginations well..

Dear Uncle Jaykesh: My name is Fatma  recently I emailed one of my guy friends and told him that I am starting to like him more than a friend however still really value our relationship. He has not written me back or really talked to me about it. However we see each other almost every day. I guess I don't know how to act around him anymore. I find it difficult to be myself and joke around with him. I just don't know what to say to him. Any advice uncle. Fatma Dar

Dear Fatma:  You feel uncomfortable because you know that he doesn't feel the same way about you as you feel about him. About the only thing to do is to remain friends and start talking and joking with him again. It may be a struggle to do so, but it's in your best interest. Be bold and air your feelings.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nothing Is Impossible… (Mission I M Possible) ( Jaykesh Rathod ,

Aha a very good morning to you all rise and shine the world is all out open for you to make things possible. Yes possible you read it correctly in most profound letters for you to read is nothing is impossible so here we twende kazini… lets get on it will we without losing our precious moments together. All of us, at some point in our lives, have had dreams of being somebody special, someone who achieved great things. We all had dreams of being rich and famous, successful and happy.

Unfortunately only very few amongst us have made those dreams come true. Most of the time our dreams have remained just that – dreams. In stead of going through the excitement of achieving what we dreamt about we relapse into our day to day life and in stead of really living a full life we choose to be non existent and we prefer to live a life of survival.

Life can be so much more, though, if only we would be prepared to go for a little more. However most of us prefer to think: I’ll never be able to do that. It’s too difficult. It’s impossible, because………. And we have a list of reasons for it.

If all our predecessors would have thought that way we would not enjoy the comfort of all the inventions and innovations that we live with today and human history would not show so many great accomplishments.

Unfortunately there is a large group of people that is suffering from never taking any action on dreaming great and promising dreams, with the result that they are left with broken dreams, and each time they are a disillusion richer.

If you keep on limiting yourself with self-doubt, self-limiting assumptions and other disempowering beliefs, you will never be able to break past what you consider to be impossible. On the other hand if you are aiming for something great, without working towards a goal, you are hanging on to an impossible dream.

The following self-motivation tips will help you to gain more self confidence, so that you get prepared to pursue your dreams much easier.

Grab a piece of paper and make three columns:
The 1st column is called: - What I Know I Can Do –
The 2nd column is called: - What I Might Be Able To Do –
The 3rd column is called: - Impossible For Me To Do –

Now make a list of all your goals and write them underneath one of these three headings. Next, you’re going to do your utmost to accomplish the goals that are listed in the column – What I Know I Can Do -. And as you are slowly going through the goals under this heading, you try to accomplish a number of the goals that you placed in the column that says – What I Might Be Able To Do - .

As you go through this process you will notice that the goals of which you thought were – Impossible For You To Do – now begin to look possible.You see, by doing this you are not limiting your imagination. It is a matter of going for more than you are used to and to start working towards that goal one step at the time. However you do have to realize that it does demand that you make a plan and that you work hard. It doesn’t of course simply fall into your lap just out of blue.

Never forget that if you would have told someone a hundred and fifty years ago that we would fly in airplanes and that one day we would walk on the moon, people would declare you to be crazy. If you feel a deep passion for something and you create focus, commitment and perseverance, anything can be accomplished and your so called “impossible” dream can become very real indeed.

Pay attention to the self motivation tips that I mention above, because they are a key to growth. Have a good and conscious look at where your passions and your dreams are today. Do you constantly try to improve yourself? Then do self motivation exercise in order to obtain the necessary self motivation skills. Look out for some good motivation books and go through those rather than wasting time brooding and sulking,,,, oh give yourself a great break you can do anything do not just sit there get on it right away. I wish you all the best for the mission possible attitude and make the best out of your self and life… till then have a great time.

I am about to sign off and am as eager as you are for the next coming of my write up for you but in case you may have any questions do send me an e-mail and let me also know how you enjoy these motivating space I have been given for you…

From  Jaykesh Rathod with love.

This is my first impression